
Setting up Ella

This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating and deploying your first Ella-based site. Since Ella is a CMS, we will create a blog. This first step will take us through setting up our environment, installing all the dependencies and kicking off the project. Before you dive into it, we suggest you go through the official Django tutorial to get yourself familiar with Django since we will be relying on that.


We assume that python, setuptools and python-imaging (PIL) are installed on your system directly since they can be non-trivial to install the python way. We will be working with pip and virtualenv which are great tools for any Python project.


We will not cover any version control, but we strongly advise you use some (we prefer GIT) to keep track of your emerging project.

First we need to install virtualenv (under root):

easy_install virtualenv

Now we can create and activate a virtualenv where our project and all related code will reside:

virtualenv ella_sandbox
source ella_sandbox/bin/activate

Next, install Ella into your fresh virtualenv. Ella has all it’s dependencies covered in it’s setup, so it’s fairly sufficent to run following command using pip:

pip install ella

After these steps, everything required is ready and we can create a new Django project using Ella in standard Django way:

mkdir ellablog
cd ellablog
django-admin.py startproject ellablog


Our first step in actual code will be adding Ella to your project’s INSTALLED_APPS along with some required settings, the resulting values (unchanged values are omitted) should look similar to this:



In order to create our new blog, we are gonna need some HTML templates showing post listings, post details, hompage etc. Therefore, we have to tell Django, where to look for those templates. This settings are kept in settings.py contained in root of our project. Second, we need to specify a directory + URL used to serve media files from:


Media files and static files are not the very same thing. We consider media files those, that are uploaded dynamically by users, e.g. main article photos. On the other hand, static files usually don’t change and their common representatives include CSS styleseets, JS sources etc.

from os.path import join, dirname

PROJECT_ROOT = dirname(__file__)

# set the templates directory
    join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'templates'),

# give Django media settings
MEDIA_ROOT = join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'media')
MEDIA_URL = '/media/'

This will tell Django, that it should look for the templates in directory templates which is located in the root of the project directory. And store the media in PROJECT_ROOT/media/ directory.


Last thing to configure is the URL mappings. We want to include ella.core.urls which handle all the Ella magic but also create some mappings that will serve our static files (and static files for admin) in the development server. Note that these patterns for static files will work only when DEBUG mode is turned on since it would be rather inefficent in production (for more on this topic, see Managing static files section in Django docs). In similar fashion, serve also media files discussed in previous paragraph:

from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib import admin
from django.contrib.staticfiles.urls import staticfiles_urlpatterns

# make sure to import ella error handlers
from ella.core.urls import handler404, handler500

# register apps for Django admin and let the apps do any initialization they need
from ella.utils.installedapps import call_modules
call_modules(('admin', 'register', ))

urlpatterns = patterns('',)

# actual URL mappings
urlpatterns += patterns('',
    # serve media files
    (r'^%s/(?P<path>.*)$' % settings.MEDIA_URL, 'django.views.static.serve', { 'document_root': settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'show_indexes': True }),

    # run Django admin
    (r'^admin/', include(admin.site.urls)),

    # enable Ella
    (r'^', include('ella.core.urls')),
) + staticfiles_urlpatterns()


Instead of calling admin.autodiscover we are using Ella’s call_modules which is a more generic version of the same thing. and allows us to load additional modules - namely register.py where, by convention all Ella apps put the codethey need for their initialization (connecting signal handlers, registering custom urls etc.)


Last configuration step is the database settings. Ella supports all Django DB backends. Example configuration for MySQL can look like this:

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
        'NAME': 'ellablog',
        'USER': 'user',
        'PASSWORD': '',
        'HOST': '',
        'PORT': '',

To make this work, you should make appropriate database by your custom DB-related tool (such as command-line tool mysql in Linux-like operating systems). After creating the database, you can proceed with creating all the required tables by Django for you (and admin user during this process):

python manage.py syncdb

Congratulations, you should have a working Ella project. If you start the development server by typing:

python manage.py runserver

try to load the site’s root. If everything worked out, you should get a welcome screen looking similar to this:


Now when we have a working project, we need to actually create the site in the admin interface. To use it, go to /admin/ and log in using credentials you entered when creating your superuser account during the syncdb command. While being there we will also create an article - our very first blog post so that we can actually have something to work with in our templates in the next step of the tutorial.


If you are impatient to start, just play around with the admin to create one instance of ella.core.models.Category to get the root of the web working and then one ella.articles.models.Article published in that category (you might need to create additional model like Author on the way).

First we need some theory on how Ella handles sites, categories and published objects though.

Ella sites and categories

Ella was designed to serve several sites from a single database. It does so by using Django’s built-in sites framework. The sites app creates a default Site called example.com during the syncdb command. Just rename the domain name to relevant value and you will have an Ella site, just empty.

Within sites, Ella organizes content into categories. Categories (instances of ella.core.models.Category) are organized in a tree for each site. Every site needs to have exactly one what we call root category - a category without a parent. This category then represents the root of the website (/).

Categories are represented by their tree_path - a path of slugs from root category, for example with categories layout:

Ella Blog
            Django applications
        Typical deployment env

the tree_path values would be:

Category tree_path attribute
Ella Blog  
About about
Technology technology
Concepts technology/concepts
Django technology/django
Django applications technology/django/django-applications
Typical deployment env technology/typical-deployment-env

Category‘s URL is it’s tree_path (which is what makes the root category the root of the site) and every post in Ella belongs to one or more categories, nothing shall exist outside of the category tree.

Publishable object

The main objective of Ella is publishing content. Ella together with it’s plugins provides several types of content (Article, Gallery, Quiz, ...) and can be easily extended to add more (just define the model) or used with existing models.

For ease of manipulation and efficiency, all content models inherit from ella.core.models.Publishable. This base class has all the fields needed to display a listing of the content object (title, description, slug, photo), basic metadata (category, authors, source). When using Ella API you will always receive an instance of the actual class (Article) and not the base class (Publishable). If you have access to only a Publishable instance the target property will return instance of the correct class (it holds a reference to it’s ContentType).

Information about publication are also kept on the Publishable model (attributes published, publish_from, publish_to and static). All these information together are used to create an URL for the object which will point to it’s detail (e.g. article content). There are two types of publication with slightly different use cases:

  • time-based has URL containing the date of publishing and should be used for objects that have some relevance to date (most of the content presumably since Ella was designed to power magazines and news sites). The URL of an object published in time-based way will look like:


    so for example:

  • static has no date in it’s URL and should be used for objects with universal validity. URL of statically published objects contains a primary key reference to avoid namespace clashes:


    for example:


Just setting up publish information for a Publishable object makes it visible (starting from publish_from) but doesn’t make it appear in any listing in any Category. For that you need to specify in which categories you want it listed.

Listing object

ella.core.models.Listing instances carry the information in which Category and when should be a publishable object listed - it enables users to list the object in as many categories as they wish at arbitrary times (but not sooner that the Publishable.publish_from).

By default, listings in the root category only contain Listings specifically targeted there whereas listings for any subcategory also contains all the listings of it’s subcategories. This is a model we found most useful when working with large sites where the site’s homepage needs to be controlled closely by editors and the interim categories only serve as aggregators of all the content published in them either directly or via a subcategory.

Creating a site

Now you should have enough information to be able to start exploring the admin (found on /admin/) and create your own site and it’s first post. You will know that you were succesfull if you manage to create and publish an article whose URL gives you a TemplateDoesNotExist exception upon accessing - that means we are ready to create some templates.

Basic templates

Now that we have some sample data to work with we can finally start creating the templates we need to get the site running.


For more information on what templates Ella uses and what context is passed in, have a look at Template overview.


First we will create a template rendering a category: page/category.html. This is a default template that will be used for all categories if their specific template (one with their path) isn’t found. The two most important variables in the context we want to use is {{ category }} containing the Category model itself and {{ listings }} containing a list of Listing objects for that category ordered by publish_from and/or priority.

The basic template will look like:

<h1>Welcome to category {{ category.title }}</h1>
<p>{{ category.description }}</p>

{% for listing in listings %}
        <a href="{{ listing.get_absolute_url }}">{{ listing.publishable.title }}</a>
        {{ listing.publishable.description|safe }}
{% endfor %}

That will render the category title, description and a list of objects published in that category. Upon accessing / you should then see the name of the category and the article you created in administration.


This template represents the archive, it gets the same context as page/category.html and the same code can be used. We will use the same code:

{% extends "page/category.html" %}


As with page/category.html, page/object.html is a fallback template that will be used for rendering any object if more suitable template isn’t found. In real life we will probably have different templates for different content types, but to verify the concept and get us started a simple template should be enough:

<h1>{{ object.title }}</h1>
<p>Published on {{ placement.publish_from|date }} in category: <a href="{{ category.get_absolute_url }}">{{ category }}</a></p>
{% render object.description %}

This template will have access to the actual Publishable subclass instance (Article in our case), as opposed to page/category.html and page/listing.html which only gets instance of Publishable by default.

Note the use of {% render %} templatetag that is used to render rich-text fields (which object.description is) thorought Ella.

Error pages

By importing handler404 and handler500 in our urls.py, we turned over the control of error pages to Ella. This means that we need to create two additional templates: page/404.html:

<h1>Oops, nothing here</h1>

and page/500.html:

<h1>If you see this, let us please know how you did it, thanks!</h1>

Now that we have a set of rudimentary templates, we can try doing something useful with them.

Enhancing templates

Since Ella is a regular Django application, even it’s templates are just plain Django templates. Therefore we just refer you to other sources and Common gotchas & FAQs section to learn more about the templating language and it’s best practices, we will try to focus just on Ella-specific parts.


First change we will make is abstract the rendering of the object listing on category homepage and archive. To do this, Ella provides a Box for individual objects. It’s primary use is as a templatetag. Boxes can be rendered for objects accessible through a variable or through a database lookup:

{% box <box_name> for <object> %}{% endbox %}
{% box <box_name> for <app.model> with <field> <value> %}{% endbox %}

What {% box %} does is a little more then fancy include - it retrieves the object, find the appropriate template and renders that with object-specific context. The context can be quite different for an Article or Photo gallery. Boxes are usually used throughout an Ella site to provide maximum flexibility in rendering objects and also for embedding objects into rich text fields stored in the database (in text of an article for example). Some applications ( Defining positions on the page for example) also use boxes to represent objects.

To create our first box, we just need to create a template called box/listing.html containing:

    <a href="{{ object.get_absolute_url }}">{{ object.title }}</a>
    {% render object.description %}

And change page/category.html to use the box instead of manually specifying the output:

<h1>Welcome to category {{ category.title }}</h1>
<p>{{ category.description }}</p>

{% for listing in listings %}
    {% box listing for listing %}{% endbox %}
{% endfor %}

If you still struggle, why the bloody Box is used instead of standard {% include SOMETHING %}, keep in mind following advantages:

  • They know which template to use with proper fallback engine.

  • The provide class-specific context so that an Article can have

    different context than Photo.

Template fallback mechanisms

In last step we created a few templates that should suffice for an entire site based on Ella. In real life you probably wouldn’t want every category and every object to share the same template. Ella provides a simple mechanism to target your templates more directly.

Let’s say that we want to create a specific template for rendering articles, just create a template called page/content_type/articles.article/object.html and you are done - next time you visit some article’s URL, this template will get rendered instead of your page/object.html. This template would be a good place to render the text of an article for example:

{% extends "page/object.html" %}
{% block content %}
    {% render object.content %}
{% endblock %}

Now if you just define the appropriate block in your page/object.html:

<h1>{{ object.title }}</h1>
<p>Published on {{ object.publish_from|date }} in category: <a href="{{ category.get_absolute_url }}">{{ category }}</a></p>
{% render object.description %}

{% block content %}{% endblock %}

You should be able to see your article’s text on the web.

Another way you can override your templates is based on Category. For example if you want to create a custom template for your root category (and your root category’s slug is ella-blog), just create one called page/category/ella-blog/category.html:

<h1>Welcome to site {{ category.site }}</h1>
<p>{{ category.description }}</p>

{% for listing in listings %}
    {% box listing for listing %}{% endbox %}
{% endfor %}

You will be greeted into the site and not your root category next time you visit the root of your blog. Just create any subcategory to check it will remain unaffected.

You can use the same simple mechanism (creating new templates) to change the look of your boxes for individual objects as well.


For more detailed explanation of all the possible template names, have a look at Views, Template overview and Templatetags documentation.